Emergency Preparedness Drills

Preparedness and emergency response exercises help reinforce skills and knowledge needed during an actual emergency. Harvey Mudd College conducts the following drills/exercises:

Residence Hall Evacuation Exercise

仅限学生宿舍. The date and time of this exercise will  宣布.

Mass Notification System Test and Exercise

The College campus-wide mass 不ification test (MUDD Alert and Exterior Broadcast System) will be in conjunction with other scheduled exercises.

Tabletop Emergency Response Exercises

The Harvey Mudd College Incident Management and Campus CERT Teams routinely conduct and participate in the campus exercises.

Fire Alarm and Building Evacuation Exercise

Academic and administrative buildings only. Date and time will 宣布.

Earthquake Drill: The Great California ShakeOut

Millions of people worldwide will practice how to 下降, 封面 and 抓住Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, which began in California in 2008.

Everyone, everywhere, should know how to protect themselves during earthquakes. Even if earthquakes are rare where you live, they may happen where you or your family travel.

Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are an annual opportunity for people in homes, 学校, organizations to practice what to do during earthquakes, to improve preparedness.


日期: 通常在十月
时间: 10点到10点之间.m. 11点a.m.
钻头长度: Approximately 10-15 minutes


  1. 下降, 封面, 抓住: All College faculty, staff, students should 下降 倒在地上,拿 封面 under a table or desk, 抓住 to it as if a magnitude 7.8 earthquake were happening.
  2. If you can不 do this, please consider where you would stay down for at least 60 seconds. 记住: 现在练习 so you will know what to do should you experience a large magnitude earthquake. 看到 Earthquake Country Alliance 了解更多信息.
  3. While still under the table, 或者无论你在哪里, look around and imagine what would happen in a big earthquake, when shaking may last for 1–2 minutes!

Earthquake Information and Resources